Performing Arts Workshop

Ashita Mall, a performing arts trainer conducted a five-day workshop in the first week of January for the students of Class 4th. It was designed to keep “self” at the center. The very core thought process was to introduce children to them at a level that is new, fresh, real and thought-provoking. The sessions were designed using Art as a tool, catering to the very basics of understanding, realizing and thinking.

  • First Session – Self-identification through understanding the physical and mental strengths and weaknesses; focusing on thinking about oneself and identifying the story behind one’s life.
  • Second Session – Creativity and thinking out of the box. The focus was on realizing one’s motivation factor bringing that story to the audience and getting inspired.
  • Third Session – Stories (personal stories, struggles, inspiring stories and stories about endurance). The session focus was realizing one’s own gift and building on that going forward. They did this by creating human books.
  • Fourth Session – Relationships. The focus was to identify the types of relationships around and the strengths of the particular relationship. It also focused on knowing what is a relationship, what entails in a relationship, the phases of a relationship and the future of a relationship. This all happened through colors and paper.
  • Fifth Session – Expressing your story through art and performing art. This session’s focus was to understand ways to express, challenge oneself and learn to lead a project all by themselves. Children were able to express their stories through painting, dance, singing, theatre, and puppetry.